I need to get on and finish the tunnel sub-base on my 00 gauge Last Great Project layout but it is slow going at the moment as I develop the concept as to what I am going to do. This is not a kit so there are no instructions to follow and no pre-moulded or cut pieces to assemble so everything has to be worked out in my head! As Mrs. Woody would no doubt advise, my head is probably not the best place to work things out or even develop a concept! However, being me, I have carried on regardless with developing the concept so first of, lets see if my first wall section looks right conceptionally!
I think that is OK! The initial concept works! Next up is to construct some supporting or strengthening pillars. A vast flat area of brickwork like that would need to have some structural additions to it so it is on with looking at how I make a suitable pillar.
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