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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Was it a magic trick? Or was I just an Ailurophile?

Last week, arriving at the Rocks By Rail Museum, the CAT was stood in the gateway in front of the track broken down and unable to move.

Rocks by Rail Museum

This week on my arrival and as if  by some magic trick, Harriot, the JCB, was broken down in almost the same spot!

Rocks by Rail Museum

It appears that there is a spate of fuel issues going through the plant fleet. No one is sure what it is but it could be coincidences with the fuel systems on the vehicles all giving issues or perhaps contaminated fuel. What ever it is we have a team of experts and keen armatures who can make things work - eventually!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Harriot did start but my curiosity as to where the CAT had gone was soon answered - just round the corner where it had yet again broken down in mid movement!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Which is a bit concerning as this pea gravel for the drainage job at the platform siding has arrived and needs moving by the CAT

Rocks by Rail Museum

so that this mess can be sorted out!

Rocks by Rail Museum

I'm sure it will be but in the mean time I got on with some more backfilling to create the viewing platform that I have been involved in since last year - Projects at the Museum tend to take a long time!

Just like trying to find rock to fill the Gabion baskets/cages some weeks ago, there is a hunt for suitable soil type backfill to go behind the Gabions and create the platform. I dug some out near the drag line excavator, including from within the bucket! It was just a long way to barrow the contents.

Rocks by Rail Museum

However, by chance, I spotted a pile of potential backfill closer to the eventual destination of the platform. Hidden behind undergrowth, David cleared that away and allowed access to some good material.

Rocks by Rail Museum

After a day of work we are nearly at the back of the Gabions!

Rocks by Rail Museum

We now have loyal blog reader Mrs. B on Team Gabion. For some reason she showed an interest in the project and was immediately, before she could have second thoughts, shown the source and destination of material together with the wheeled means of transporting said material and the shovel and pick by which said material is transferred into said means of transport! We can't miss an opportunity when someone shows interest! Thanks Mrs. B! 

Rocks by Rail Museum

Mrs. B also managed to confuse or educate, depending upon the individuals state of mind at the time, everyone at lunchtime by proclaiming that I was an Ailurophile! Now that took me off guard but apparently it is  “a person who likes cats” which I do, and the word was word of the day on the web site back on the 22 August 2022. Don't say that WMD is never educational or indeed magical!



  1. Better than an ailurophobe. 😉

    Bitter cold and winds stopped earth movements in the quarry today. Tea was drunk.

    Mrs B

  2. Good grief! The educational element of this blog is more than my brain can take! I don't blame you for taking refuge out of the cold and wet. Things have progressed though as you will no doubt see on your next visit!

  3. Indeed I did. Very impressive.

    Mrs B
