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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Small steps forward!

After yesterdays concept development of the wall construction for my 00 gauge layout tunnel section it is going a bit faster than before but still not as quick as I would like. It is one of those jobs where you know you cannot really move the project on without doing it but at the same time it becomes tedious to do it! Still, small steps forward!

My Last Great Project

Equally tedious are the door linings or frames, depending on how you term them, and varnishing them. Mrs. Woody decided that my casually mentioned idea of replacing the upstairs doors and linings/frames was an excellent idea and that whilst Phil the builder was here doing the cloakroom and bathroom refit he could do the doors to. What a good idea! However, as all our woodwork is varnished it is a lot easier to varnish the linings/frames whilst they are still in kit form and in a place where drips of varnish don't matter like in the presently deconstructed cloakroom! So today, frame number one got its first coat of varnish which is a tedious job especially when you realise there are still four frames to do! Is this as tedious as the wall making? It comes very close is all I can say. Still, small steps forward and tomorrows another day of wall building and varnishing!

One pack wrapped and unvarnished.

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

Then unpacked and first coat of varnish which pongs a lot!

Cloak and bathroom rebuild,

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