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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Just not right!

You can do all the planning you like for a project and be convinced it will be just right, but, sometimes it just does not look right! That is the case with the scenic structure I am building at the moment which has been finished from the point of view that the basic structure is done and now needs detailing. Before getting to that stage I just wanted to check that it would look as wonderous on the layout as I had planned it would. It didn't and I knew that straight away!

My Last Great Project,

So what is wrong with it? The structure fits within the space which is a positive. However, despite the fact that it will receive tunnel mouths where the tracks go through and will be clad with some form of brick covering it just looks too tall. There are reasons why I wanted it high but I have probably gone higher than I need to. So visually at the moment it doesn't work for me. There is another visual matter which is the angle of where the tunnel mouths will be. At the moment I cannot see them and the angle compared to the cutting side is just not right! The angle should, in my view, now be in line with the metal ruler on top of the structure. It might need staggering but it needs amendments. 

My Last Great Project,

Even looking from the other side of the baseboard did not make it look any better!

My Last Great Project,

So those are the visual matters but there is more! Despite checking clearances to allow the largest rolling stock to pass through without collision with he structure I made the error of altering an internal frames location without rechecking. The result was that the first time the Virgin Trains rake of coaches went through they derailed!

My Last Great Project,

The next issue is also technical in that I forgot to take account that part of the structure would rest on the track underlay which is 5 mm above the rest of the baseboard on to which the rest of the structure sits. Obviously, that leads to level issues which I don't want to have to deal with!

My Last Great Project,

So do I scrap it and start again? No, I think that I know what needs doing but not quite how yet but when I do it should then visually and technically be just right instead of just not right! We will see in a few days time if that is the case! 

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