A bit more time to have a look at the Hornby LNER Class W1 Hush Hush today and it is a real stunning model. I just need to put a DCC chip in it and then it will be hauling trains. In the mean time I will just enjoy the beauty of this model.
Having spent far too much time admiring the Hush Hush I made a bit more progress on the Heller Scania 141 LB priming some more parts having fettled a few of them. The wheels in particular needed some attention. The ventilation holes were not actually holes! They were just small depressions in the moulding so some time with a pin vice and drill had these opened up to proper holes which looked a whole (pun intended) better!
My usual method of fastening small parts to be painted onto a board with masking tape folded over itself followed.
Once one side is painted and dry the parts are turned over so that all the exposed surfaces get a coat of primer. After a couple of hours I have this pile of parts on my workbench.
Almost looks like a truck assembly plant but I will stay hush, hush about that!