On the day the Country found out that average energy bills would go up by £693 a year I decided to loose myself in the Man Cave AKA The Room of Gloom for an hour this evening and forget about the impending price rise. My mind soon was on the next part of building the Heller Scania 141 LB which would be instrumental in finishing the cab interior and this was to apply the dashboard decals. These were included in the decal sheet and looked good.
Having cut them from the sheet with a new sharp scalpel blade they were dipped in water for a few seconds and I waited a few minutes for them to come free of the backing sheet. Despite the application of liquids designed to assist decal application namely Micro Sol and Micro Set the decals are very brittle and took some carful manipulation to get them in place. I am hoping the liquids do their job overnight to soften the decal so that it dries shaped to the surface of the dashboard.
I started to paint in the details on the engine for this kit which is to paint the rocker covers in silver.
A painfully slow job but again another instrumental one in getting this kit finished.