Not that I have been anywhere to get jet lag but with the clocks going forward on hour my body is a little out of sync! I actually beat the cats getting up this morning so they were a bit staggered at getting an early breakfast as their cat clocks were still operating on GMT not Summer Time! No doubt we will all get into the swing of it in a few days and it is nice to have the lighter evenings.
With that extra evening daylight comes the various gardening tasks so time for model making gets squeezed a little more. However I did grab an hour this evening to do a few bits to the T80 tank. The rubber tyres on the main wheels have been painted. People often look at you a bit oddly when you say tanks have rubber wheels but they do and have done for years. Towards the end of the Second World War when Germany had major logistical supply problems they could not get rubber so some of their later tanks did have all metal wheels. However the ride is rough and the wear of two unlubricated metal surfaces of wheel and track brought about premature wear and failure issues. The tracks for the kit have also been airbrushed a rusty dry brown colour and the surfaces where there was wear with the various wheels and drive sprockets have been dry brushed with aluminum paint to show bear shiny metal. Al that remains is to get the wheels and tracks on the hull of the tank and give it all some weathering which will hide (hopefully) any failings in the build of the kit that I have done!