Without the assistance of Mrs. Woody's keen eye for interior decoration I have decorated the interior of the Scania cab using my somewhat less than flamboyant palette of colours so that it no longer looks like a rendition of fog and is more like a dull day but with the glimmer of sunshine - just right for feeling blue!
Having looked at the trailer just about every day it does look white! A lot of white indeed! It needs something to add interest. Whilst I have the kit decals, given their age and previous experience with Italeri decals that are many years old, they are very likely to disintegrate if I try to apply them. I have therefore used my limited and I mean limited IT skills to generate a potential design to to be applied to the trailer sides.
If you are thinking that sticking a cut out piece of paper to the side of the trailer would look somewhat rubbish you would be right. However at WMD HQ I have a cunning plan. Well a plan anyway! Decal paper. This is a sheet of clear decal sheet onto which you can print whatever you want and then use it just like kit supplied decal. I do have some in stock as well. However can I find it? Somewhere it lies awaiting to be discovered but I just cannot find it. I have therefore done the sensible thing, well sensible for me anyway, of actually ordering some which hopefully will be delivered tomorrow by Amazon.
To be honest I have never tried this method before so it will be a leaning curve and like most of my learning curves it might involve coming off the road! I could well be feeling blue if it all goes wrong. With that thought in mind I better check that the swear jar has some room in it for further contributions!