I said yesterday that I was taking advantage of the warm weather to start the rebuild of My Last Great Project. What I had not taken account of was the rain! Much as we need rain here in the UK it did stop me from progressing with todays pretend carpentry session. I do have a nice dry garage which I could work in - if it was not full of junk! However progress and I now have a almost finished matching frame to yesterdays efforts. I must be getting better at this wood butchery as the half joints in this one were so tight I had to use a hammer to tap them together!
Hopefully tomorrow will see warm and dry weather!
Progress on the T34/122 has now seen the external fuel tanks added. The etched cradles for the rear ones are not the greatest thing I have ever done so I will need to find some way of disguising my ineptitude with etched brass parts! However they are on and things can move on with hopefully not as much drama! Let us never talk of the etched brass parts again. However I bet we will!