After two and a half years of avoiding Covid and being triple jabbed both Mrs. Woody and me tested positive for it this evening. I was feeling well this morning having done a 22 mile bike ride but by this evening headache and aching joints for both of us made as reach for the testing kit and confirmation came a few minutes later with two red lines showing themselves on the test pallet. Why any self respecting virus would want to infect me is beyond my understanding but I guess it must be getting desperate for victims!
Had this have happened back in March 2020 I think we would have both panicked but hopefully it will be like a bad cold and we will get over it in a few days. However we are staying away from anyone else to avoid the risk of passing it on.
Despite feeling somewhat rough this evening I had already finished painting the wheels for the T34/122 and I fitted the tyres to the wheels. I have temporarily attached the main wheels to the hull as I still need to construct the tracks but the whole model begins to look a great deal more interesting.
You can see the odd shape of the turret from this aerial view. I still think it looks like a bunker!