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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fettling the track!

A productive few hours today as I fettled the track on my 00 gauge Last Great Project layout. Much as it was before in terms of the overall scheme, I now have most of the track in place and although laid loosely at the moment it is operational although my wires are just literally pushed into place awaiting the time when a full wiring will take place. Wonder how long that will take me!

My Last Great Project

The one thing that I never got round to on my last version of this layout was placing the loco depot. I have always wanted a turntable since I was a kid and that was a long, long time ago. Finally I have the turntable and a place to put it although it is going to need a large hole cut in the baseboard to house it. I also have a series of cross over points to allow trains to move from one circuit to the other.

My Last Great Project

The cross overs are replicated at the other end of the layout and there will be a point off on the left eventually leading to some storage sidings - well that is my plan at the moment!

My Last Great Project

The station area will have two platforms and the goods yard/marshalling sidings are on the left.

My Last Great Project

The dropped section of the baseboard has had the two viaducts separated a bit more which looks better. The track terminating at the edge of the dropped section on the right will be where a shunting loco will be sited whilst waiting to shunt th gods yard/marshalling sidings.

My Last Great Project

So far I am happy that everything is more or less as I visualised. I now just need to get the next tasks done but who knows what tomorrow will bring especially if Mrs. Woody finds some 'must be done now' job!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Shattered from yesterdays work? Well start the day with a 28 mile bike ride!

After yesterdays hedge hacking at the Rocks by Rail Museum I was shattered. I must admit I ached all evening but I had a good nights sleep probably induced by all that fresh air and work. You would think I would take it easy today and I did have some intention of that (but don't tell Mrs. Woody). But with some sunny and warm if a but windy weather, I ended up doing a 28 mile bike ride as it was so nice and then had a couple of hours doing some more sorting of the junk in my garage in that never ending quest of a junk free life. Well that is what I am aiming for but the accomplishment of that is a long way off. My problem always has been I have collected stuff as it will come in useful at some time. In addition I still have some of my parents stuff to go through. However I am now realising that time is running out and that VHS tape or the SCART lead are now outdated and should go - along with most of what is in there! It just takes me time to let go as I tell Mrs. W.

Being in the garage on a  sunny day I noted that my gravel driveway has taken on a green tone. It is gravel so it is 'green' from the point of view of drainage. However this green was the amount of grass growing in it. Over the hot summer and drought it was nice and clear but with the recent wet weather I am now trying to understand why the grass grows so well on my drive but not on my lawn! Time for action! I was in the right mood and so a quiet hour of weeding saw me manage to clear about a third of it - not that Mrs. W will notice! An hour of this was all I could stand however before my mood waned so the rest will have to wait another day or another drought!



Well it was turning into a day of variety so back in my Man Cave I had a hour or so looking and fettling the track on my 00 gauge Last Great Project layout. Whilst the track plan is much the same as before, the extra foot of width allows me the ability to install some crossovers between the three circuits. In addition before I finally fasten it all down the various circuits need to be parallel to each other so there is some fiddling to do with to ensure that this is the case. However I am liking the new arrangement of baseboards.
My Last Great Project,

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Robin is here but where is Batman?

A day at the Rocks by Rail Museum today where with the site closed to guest we busy ourselves with all those jobs that have built up over the year or in some cases years! For me I was given the job of cutting back a hedge that had been left to its own devices for several years. Luckily garden skill required is minimal - just an ability to use a lopper which is good for me! However it was a big job and ideally someone with the powers of Batman would have made short work of it but unfortunately Batman I am not, much to Mrs. woody's disappointed but I did do my best! Note to self - get a utility belt next time to hang loppers from!

I was on my own initially, so my mind was able to wander in my butterfly fashion until I noticed this little Robin who was hunting for food as I was disturbing the ground clearing the debris away. Either that or he had mistaken me for Batman and wanted to be my Robin!

Rocks by Rail Museum

I started off with this.....

Rocks by Rail Museum

and after five hours finished with this.

Rocks by Rail Museum

You can see just how much I cut back with that pole now fully visible! Next year the hedge should fill out but it will be easier to keep in line and to cut the grass.

Back at WMD HQ although shattered and wanting to put my feet up I have had to put my kitchen utility belt on to cook Mrs. Woody's dinner! Batman at least had Alfred to cook dinner!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Butterfly activity!

I messaged Metcalfe Models yesterday (Sunday) and this morning at just after 9am I got a response saying they were sending the missing sheet of parts. Now that is service! So whilst I wait for this to arrive I have, in my usual butterfly manner of projects, moved to another couple of things that have been hanging about for a while.

Firstly the Heller Scania 144 LB needs the cab finishing. So today the decals for the doors were applied. 

Heller Scania 141 LB

I did have in the back of my mind a few months ago making the doors openable but whilst it is more than possible and I did start making hinges, I am not sure I have the patience to do it. So Plan B is that the doors will be closed! In the meantime once the decals harden the door will be given a coat of gloss varnish to seal and protect them. How far the cab gets after that is anyone's guess and I have no idea!

Heller Scania 141 LB

The other project is the Foden tipper which needed a second coat of paint on the tipper body and cab as well as the interior painting. 

Knightwing Foden Haulmaster,

The second coat has been applied and the interior painted in that 1970.s brown that was so popular in its day but from what I understand is now referred to as nappy brown! The seats and steering wheel will be painted black once the brown has dried.

Knightwing Foden Haulmaster,

I have no idea where my butterfly activity wil take me next but at least these projects have seen the light of day again and moved on even if only by a bit!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Missing parts!

A really wet and miserable day here in the UK. Woke up full of energy to do a whole list of things including some on Mrs. Woody's list and I think the weather just drained that so I ended up doing not a lot! Even those things I did do went wrong but I guess we all have days like that.

However, I did manage to build up enough enthusiasm to abandon the comfort of the sofa and Lara Croft on the TV to go out to the Man Cave where the day continued to go wrong. Picking up on the building of the Metcalfe viaduct kits I found that one of the sheets of parts is missing! I should have checked all was well when I opened the kit but as most of us do we take it for granted these days that everything is there. The missing part has the side wall to the viaduct so is fairly vital!

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

There should be four of these sheets and when the main brick wall is cut out two of them are glued to a sub structure box.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

This then joins the arched section of the viaduct 

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

 Hopefully Metcalfe will be able to supply the missing sheet and I have messaged them so I should hear from them soon.

In the meantime and in light of so many things going wrong I think I will just call today a bit of a rest day! Just don't tell Mrs. Woody!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Filling that gap 2

With a bit of work today the arched structure of the second Metcalfe viaduct is built. This means that I can at least run trains without them disappearing into an abyss! More to be done to them yet but things have moved on in the last few days which is unusual for me! Maybe Mrs. Woody's list of jobs to do has not received the attention from me she believes it should, but I have put the time to good use on my to do list!

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Friday, October 21, 2022

That gap needs filling!

Back at the Last Great Project layout the trains are running again but that gap in the baseboards where the dropped section is needs filling with the viaducts before I can go much further or a train decides to make a break for it and meets the floor. I have had trains do an Evil Knievel impression before but unlike the great showman those trains did not make a successful landing! So today the second viaduct has been started which will be side by side with the other. Having done the main structure on one viaduct the construction of the second moved on at twice the speed as I supposedly now knew what I was doing! How true that is, is open to some debate as Mrs. Woody would no doubt have a view. Anyway there is the substructure constructed with the underside brick work in place as well. I like the view I can now get of trains going over the viaduct and I am really looking forward to the final scene coming together.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The trains are running!

OK, it may not be all finished. In fact it is far from finished! However it is always a significant moment  and a boost to morale when the first trains run on a layout. In this case a couple of EWS Class 66s circled the layout on the two outer loops without hesitation, deviation or derailment which even surprised me especially given the precarious way I have supported the track over the dropped section of baseboard! Hopefully that will change in the not too ditant future.

My Last Great Project

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Putting the track back.

Moving forward with My Last Great Project now that the baseboard frames are built and installed it is time to put the track back. The baseboard tops are not fully in place and some parts are missing but as they will need some cutting yet I am leaving them like that at the moment so I know where the track will be. 

The basic track plan is the same but there are some changes which mean that I will need to amend certain parts of the layout. For one thing it is a foot wider and secondly the dropped section means what was going to be my locomotive depot will have to move. So far I have only put the track back loosely to get the right pieces in the right places - or as near as I can remember! Luckily I did dismantle it with some thought about organising it so that I had some chance of getting it right! Working smarter not harder as I get older!

My Last Great Project,

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Viaduct progress and the price of shirts!

I should clarify that the price of shirts is not connected to the viaduct build I am currently doing. However given the current economic climate and the squeeze on the cost of living I was slightly taken aback by this 'offer' in Stamford today where Mrs. Woody and myself had lunch out and a look around the town today.


I have no doubt that the shirts are of a quality but just how many people can afford £120 for four?  Luckily my wardrobe does not need any further shirts, although, as Mrs. W would claim, most of my shirts could be from the costume department of an 1980s TV program, so my rather thin looking wallet remained shut! 

Anyway back in the sanctuary of the WMD HQ Man Cave, further work took place on the Metcalfe viaduct that is currently being built. The brick sheets have been added to the substructure. As with most Metcalfe kits the fit is good and the parts all went together easily.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit,

The yellow card is a strengthener that goes inside the viaduct's piers.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit,

One of the issues with a card kit is that the edges generally show the white of the card they are made of because the card is scored on the outside to enable a sharp edge to be created. Anything white tends to stick out on a model so the way to hide it is to use an artists pencil in a suitable brick colour and run it along the edges. The 'before' and 'after' photos below show the results.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit,

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit,

With a bit of weathering later on those joints will all but disappear. Dropping what is built so far into the dropped baseboard gives me a better idea of how this will eventually look. I'm liking it - certainly more than I would 4 shirts for £120!

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit,