Sometimes even the simplest jobs take time as I tell Mrs. Woody on a regular basis. One of those jobs is weathering a model tank. Using my favorite method of an initial pin wash of diluted black paint which I started yesterday and continued today at intervals between a hard labour job, but more on that later, the Italeri SU-100 assault gun is progressing well. The seven track links in grey in the photo fit to the front of the tank. I was sure I had built this when I built the main model but I just cannot find it! No doubt it will turn up as I finish the model. Luckily there were enough spare parts in the kit to make another one which I will now have to paint.
It is amazing how such a simple technique can really make a difference to how a model looks. The details begin to 'pop' as they say. Those exhausts will be getting a coating of soot - the engines were not that clean in burning diesel and certainly would not meet todays emission standards!
The tracks take several washes of the diluted black paint to add some relief to the links. They will be treated to some weathering powders as well when I do the same to the tank. As I said even the simplest jobs take time.
Cleared that and found the drain pipe slightly higher than I thought it would be!