One of those inevitable events in building a model making in that there will be a time when you have to wait for the glue to dry. Usually not a problem as there are always other things to do like the jobs on Mrs. Woody's list for me to do! However, in gluing the upper and lower hull parts together of the Italeri Kangaroo APC, due to the slight bow in the lower hull, I couldn't just glue and leave it to set. I had to actually hold it together with my hands in the right place until the joint was strong enough to allow the two parts to be joined together as they should without resorting to the original bowed shape. The shape of the parts was such that clamps, elastic bands, tape or indeed weighty objects were of no use in holding the parts together so I just had to sit there for an hour or so listened to the radio whilst the glue did its job.
I must admit that the join was actually better then I thought it would be but I have spatulared some filler over the join which once set and sanded back should provide a seamless join!