I often highlight thing n this blog with the phrase 'Working smarter not harder as I get older!,. And as you get older you learn by experience - usually! I say usually because what should have been a half hour job to bolt two baseboards together on my Last Great Project Layout ended up taking two hours just to do half the job! If I had been smarter I would have bolted the baseboards together when I built them. It would have been easy with nothing in the way. Instead, and for reasons I cannot recall, I left it at the time thinking that I would do it later. Well a year and a half later I am doing it and its hard! I had to clear stuff from under the baseboard just to get access. Even then with the way the boards are supported I had limited access.
Eventually I got the first hole drilled.
Two hours later the first two bolts are in and my back is out! Ouch!
Just the other two at the other end of the board to do and hopefully my back lasts!