Back to sorting the sidings out on my 00 gauge layout. More wiring is needed, in fact a lot more wiring as this shot shows - 24 wires!
Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Thursday, April 18, 2024
Track and glue!
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Brute force and ignorance!
Sometimes, despite thinking I may have a logical mind to getting things done, sheer brute force and ignorance are a tactic that I employ. Mrs. Woody would say that is more like the norm for me and I guess she would see evidence in her claim when I started tackling the pile of tree bits on the front garden that have blighted her vision of horticultural bliss for some months now. Having a log burner means you need logs to burn in it and seeing my wallet more as a source to fund my hobbies then buy logs I do collect bits of tree when they become available. At the end of last year I was lucky in that I had two trees in kit form having been felled by the local highway authority having fallen in the high winds. Unfortunately for me the bits are big - far too big to fit in the log burner so I need to get them into smaller bits and let them dry out for a couple of years. I know that you can get log splitters but again my wallet is closed to such expenditure especially when I have a lump hammer and a selection of cold chisels!
Continuing the theme of brute force and ignorance I decided to cut the strips of copper clad sheet for the hidden sidings on my 00 gauge layout. I decided that cutting four strips from a sheet of copper clad material was a far better idea then cutting 32 sleepers from the sleeper strip I have. I soon regretted that idea as I started cutting with my modelling saw. It took over half an hour to cut one strip.
Sitting back and thinking, a rare moment for me, I saw a panel saw and much as it would see many carpenters cry at the misuse and ignorance I used it to cut the other three strips. Brute force got the job done in 10 minutes and seemingly no harm to the saw!
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
A minor monumental moment or two!
In the ranking of monumental moments, mine are fairly insignificant in the making of the history of the World, but never the less to me they are still a significant and indeed monumental moment! Mrs. Woody is still waiting for the monumental moment that all the jobs on her job list for me are done but that is a moment that is perhaps some time off! However with respect to my 00 gauge Last Great Project Layout the monumental moment or two are that firstly all the holes for the point motors have now been completed and secondly all the track underlay is now glued in place (well apart from a two small parts for the two lead off points on the edge of the layout but until I figure out exactly what I am doing with them they will have to wait).
The last two point point motor holes were cut in my usual way of making out where the tie bar is with the hole in it for the point motor pin that comes up from under the baseboard. A series of holes were then drilled.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Sorting the sidings!
It is now time to finish track laying in the sidings of my 00 gauge layout as at present they are a bit short! I selected some short off cuts of track which was a good way to use them up rather than on the main circuits. Once selected they were airbrushed with weathering paint.
I now need to wire the sidings and then strip the plastic sleepers at the baseboard joints and put in copper clad ones to which the rail will be soldered before I can cut through them. Then it will be fully sorted!
Sunday, April 14, 2024
I am generally a happy person despite what Mrs. Woody would tell you! So my mood of happiness continued as I powered a train around the inner circuit of the newly laid track on my 00 gauge layout. In facat I got a bit carried away and spent a couple of hours playing operating trains! Now that makes me even more happy!
Will my happiness continue as I move onto the rest of the trackwork? I hope so as it means I am doing it right!
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Large Scale Model Making!
Whilst out on a bike ride I came across this very nice wooden play tractor and trailer set up in a children's playground. Now to my mind this is great and I can remember that the young me of years, decades ago, would be very excited if this were in my local playground! However I resisted the urge to revert back to my childhood and to sit in the drivers seat - I wouldn't fit probably! But this is just like a large scale model - brilliant but I don't think Mrs. Woody would allow me to build one in the garden!
Friday, April 12, 2024
Gauging it!
As I progress with the track laying and wiring of my 00 gauge layout those little red sticks have come out again! But before they could I had to finish gluing some track underlay and wiring some more track.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Are their tigers in there?
A second day this week at the Rocks By Rail Museum and I can confirm there are no tigers in the Sundew drag line excavator cab but there are these tiger orange electrical components now adorning the wall making the cab look a lot more interesting thanks to Rob
Rob is continuing his wizardry with the exterior of the cab preparing it for a repaint in preparation for its celebration this year. It is the 50th anniversary of Sundews Greta Walk when it walked from Exton quarry in Rutland to Corby. The story is on the Museum Facebook page and you can see it by clicking here.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Soldering on!
Time to solder some sleepers on my 00 gauge Last Great Project Layout. The track and wires were put in place after PVA glue was spread where the track was to go. .
Then it was al weighed down to make sure it was flat whilst the glue dried.
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Being Curious!
It was a 44 ton switcher as the box confirmed.
This was inside.
Even has a driver.
So, my curiosity as to exactly what was meant by the description on the box was raised even further. Luckily the seller was on the stand and confirmed that the only thing wrong with this never run model is that he was going to use the chassis for a kit built body but that did not work out but he had cut the wires to fit a DCC chip but had never done the final work. Well that final bit of work is exactly what I would be doing to this model anyway so for the bargain price of £25 this came home with me!
Whilst actually in the show I came across the guy who does the resin prints that I bought some of at the Sleaford Mode Makers Show last year. He is expanding his range and all profits go to the Lincs Air Ambulance so a great cause to support as I told Mrs. Woody as I selected these items!
The narrow boat will go on my 009 narrow gauge layout Chalkdon.
These line side telephones will go on my 00 gauge layout.
This rather nice crane will probably also go on Chalkdon.
As will this gantry crane.
Lots more projects to complete for me then! I really should not be so curious!