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Monday, June 3, 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show

Mrs. Woody was insistent that I take her to the Sleaford Model Railway show on Staurday. Well that was in my dream but she did accompany me. A small one day show with some interesting layouts and some good traders some of whom benefitted from my wallets contents!

This 0 gauge narrow gauge layout, Salthaven Quay was particularly detailed. The interiors of most of the buildings had been modelled with incredible detail such as individual apples and bananas in the green grocers. The night time lighting was also unusual.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

This 00 gauge layout that I didn't get the name of was a very detailed steel works with industrial locos moving steel products. 

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

There were other layouts but I am drawn to the small layouts and dioramas of which there were a few.

This 3 foot by 1 foot layout was for sale and no doubt most people could find space for it.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

I was quite taken by this circular 00 and 009 gauge layout which was nicely done.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Probably the smallest layout at the show but it worked!

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Some highly detailed dioramas which were worth a close look.

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

Sleaford Model Railway Show 2024

A pleasant way to spend an afternoon!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Time for a crane!

Cranes are always useful. You can use them to lift all manner of heavy items such as vehicles, crates or Mrs. Woody's latest internet shopping delivery! However WMD HQ does not have that many cranes and certainly not strong enough for the internet shopping lift but I do have one in stock for my 009 gauge layout Chalkdon. This is a 3D print that I picked up at the same time as the 3D printed diesel that I am building at the moment. That particular model has been matt varnished so whilst it dries I have started work on the crane.

This is what I got for £4 which is in my view excellent value.

3D printed crane

Being a 3D print it needs some tiding up and that round and less than flat base needs to come off. My plan is to mount it on a small brick plinth and located it near the wharf on the layout reaching across the siding and over the water. That hole in the base should provide a pivot point for some rod so that the crane can be moved and posed.

3D printed crane

3D prints can come in all sorts of plastic. This one is particularly hard so I used a saw to remove the bulk of the base and then sanded it smooth.

3D printed crane

With some sanding to the other parts the crane is ready for an undercoat of paint - in this case Vallejo light grey as I think that the final top coat will be red or blue.

3D printed crane

Some airbrushing saw the crane undercoated which needs to dry ready for top coat.

3D printed crane

Now I better go and move Mrs. W's latest delivery into the house - wish I had a crane!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lucky 7!

Things move on with the 3D printed diesel loco. A few days ago it looked factory fresh with a shiny coat of paint but that was not going to last for long! 

This loco is destined to be a worked hard and never cleaned piece of rolling stock. So out came the black and brown washes followed by some weathering powders. I also added its fleet number which is lucky 7! Not so lucky for this locos looks but it does add some character and robustness - just like me if you are reading this Mrs. Woody!

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

I still need to matt varnish it, add glazing and DCC chip the chassis but I could not resist seeing what it looked like on the layout.

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

 I'm really pleased with that! I certainly had some luck with getting it to this stage though. Remember the abortive, botched orange paint job that I had to strip posted about a few days ago? Maybe all my locos should be numbered Lucky 7!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Stan the Mannequin

There's a new member at the Rocks By Rail Museum. Well actually Stan the Mannequin has been with the Museum for some time but he has now come out to be part of the Singapore display. Singapore is a loco that was captured by the Japanese when they invaded Singapore and having been brought back to the UK some years ago is now a national war memorial to those who served and were captured during the conflict. The uniform is a reproduction of the ones from that period and Stan is laying orchids which are the eastern version of the poppy for remembrance day. Being just round a corner he has already given a few pepole a bit of a shock as he does look lifelike!

Rocks by Rail Museum

David and Alex put together the display and a good job they did.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile our first aid abilities have been improved with the addition of this somewhat aging stretcher!
Rocks by Rail Museum

When not doing displays Alex is still chiseling cement off various parts of Ketton No1 - an endless task!
Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhil John and Graham progress with getting Mr D opertional with more work in the cab.

Rocks by Rail Museum

It does still need a new floor!

Rocks by Rail Museum

However John has found the alternator and fitted it.

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me - more grass cutting - its a dirty job but someone has to do it! The rain certainly is making it grow!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Just that bit on the left to get back to some normality - I wonder if Stan would like to try some mowing!

Rocks by Rail Museum


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Time for a tidy!

Every so often I get to the point when its time for a tidy up! I am not the World's most tidy modeller but I like to think all great artists produced masterpieces in the chaos of their studios and I might follow the same philosophy!

Man Cave

Anyway out of the above chaos some calm returns after an hour or so. 


How long will it last - that is a question that Mrs. Woody will no doubt pose! However I should at least have some order for a short while. Whether that improves my work flow is debatable!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The 3D printed diesel loco did not come with couplers so that was something I had to address. I needed to emulate something like thee coupling on the black loco in the picture below so out came some scrap plastic card and following some slicing and dicing suitable shaped couplers were crafted. These would be mounted on some plastic rod.

3D printed diesel loco

To attach the rod and coupler to the loco I needed to put a mounting on the back of the buffer beam. Again some scrap plastic card came in useful!

3D printed diesel loco

With that in place the couplings were mounted.

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

Just need to paint them now!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Shunting on a Spring Bank Holiday!

I was rostered as shunter for yesterday's quarry day event at the Rocks By Rail Museum. Since I did my YouTube video on shunting (available here ) I have had some comments from people involved with shunting in some form either directly or indirectly which has been really interesting and thanks to those who have commented. The more I find out about shunting the more admiration I have for those who did it as a full time job.

A sunny start to the day always makes things look good!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Not always possible to see the face shovel from the viewing bank so this is a bit of a rare picture.

Rocks by Rail Museum

This is the busiest time shunting when we exchange two rakes of wagons between the two locos.

Rocks by Rail Museum

The sun was good but at would not be a bank holiday without some rain! My fellow shunter Dan and driver Derek and myself took shelter in the cab of the Sentinel.

Rocks by Rail Museum

With time on our hands we tested whether the wipers worked which given the rain seemed an appropriate thing to do!

Rocks by Rail Museum

And, yes they did although possibly needing new blades to avoid the smears!

Rocks by Rail Museum

For our visitors the various crane cabs provided them with shelter.

Luckily the rain was short lived and visitors were enjoying the sun...

Rocks by Rail Museum

as well as the steam hauled brake van rides which Ross, Thomas and John were also enjoying from the smiles on their faces!

Rocks by Rail Museum

After a hard day I was somewhat surprised to see this double decker parked outside the Museum.

Rocks by Rail Museum

It does say Special Rail Service on its destination blind but I and my fellow volunteers have no idea which railway!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Too tall!

Time to find a driver figure for the 3D printed diesel loco. My first choice was a figure I had already painted some time ago and looked right. However mounting him in the cab showed that the roof would have to be left off if he was going to stay! Not ideal!

3D printed diesel loco

Luckily I had some more figures in the form of these unpainted ones from Slaters. They actually loo more H0 scale than 00 but that was ideal. A measure confirmed that they would fit and allow the roof to be fitted!

3D printed diesel loco

With a bit of painting I have two figures available once cu from the sprue. I have also painted the floor of the interior and the footplate as well as using some highlighting various parts with silver paint. All very subtle but it all goes into making the model that bit better.

3D printed diesel loco