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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Lucky 7!

Things move on with the 3D printed diesel loco. A few days ago it looked factory fresh with a shiny coat of paint but that was not going to last for long! 

This loco is destined to be a worked hard and never cleaned piece of rolling stock. So out came the black and brown washes followed by some weathering powders. I also added its fleet number which is lucky 7! Not so lucky for this locos looks but it does add some character and robustness - just like me if you are reading this Mrs. Woody!

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

I still need to matt varnish it, add glazing and DCC chip the chassis but I could not resist seeing what it looked like on the layout.

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

3D printed diesel loco

 I'm really pleased with that! I certainly had some luck with getting it to this stage though. Remember the abortive, botched orange paint job that I had to strip posted about a few days ago? Maybe all my locos should be numbered Lucky 7!

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