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Friday, May 31, 2024

Stan the Mannequin

There's a new member at the Rocks By Rail Museum. Well actually Stan the Mannequin has been with the Museum for some time but he has now come out to be part of the Singapore display. Singapore is a loco that was captured by the Japanese when they invaded Singapore and having been brought back to the UK some years ago is now a national war memorial to those who served and were captured during the conflict. The uniform is a reproduction of the ones from that period and Stan is laying orchids which are the eastern version of the poppy for remembrance day. Being just round a corner he has already given a few pepole a bit of a shock as he does look lifelike!

Rocks by Rail Museum

David and Alex put together the display and a good job they did.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile our first aid abilities have been improved with the addition of this somewhat aging stretcher!
Rocks by Rail Museum

When not doing displays Alex is still chiseling cement off various parts of Ketton No1 - an endless task!
Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhil John and Graham progress with getting Mr D opertional with more work in the cab.

Rocks by Rail Museum

It does still need a new floor!

Rocks by Rail Museum

However John has found the alternator and fitted it.

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me - more grass cutting - its a dirty job but someone has to do it! The rain certainly is making it grow!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Just that bit on the left to get back to some normality - I wonder if Stan would like to try some mowing!

Rocks by Rail Museum


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