Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Saturday, June 8, 2024
That Doh momen!
Friday, June 7, 2024
John makes an error but finds a novel way to sharpen his pencil - all at the jungle trail of the Rocks By Rail Museum!
The sound of woodworking greeted me as I passed the restoration shed at the Rocks By Rail Museum. John was repairing an old gate.
He had cut half joints in the wood frame and was routing out holes for the cross pieces. However and never witnessed by me before, John had made an error! He had routed the holes for the cross pieces on the wrong side! He was also cross with himself!
However John soon showed one of his trade tricks to impress me as he sharpened his pencil to mark out the new holes for the gate in the right place using the grinder! Fantastic!
Meanwhile, Alex was spending yet another day chipping off cement gathered from Ketton No1's previous existence at the Ketton Cement Works. A seemingly endless task but he looks happy!
For me another day of battling undergrowth! This time on the Nature Trail where I have not been for a long time and I renamed it the Jungle Trail given that I had to beat a path through it! Certainly nature had taken over. A few before and after shots of what I was dealing with.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Another YouTube video!
The WMD Film Crew have been busy this week with yet another YouTube video. This time it looks at what is available as 3D prints for the railway modeller and the costs, which, if you have read this blog before, you will know are fairly cheap!
For your viewing delight or insomnia cure......
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Swing motion!
With the 3D printed diesel loco complete I am back to the 3D print crane which had been primed with a grey undercoat when I last posted about it on the blog. That undercoat was then given a red top coat. There are details to paint but the main colour is red so the details can be brush painted later. In the meantime I needed to build a small plinth on which the crane can stand and also allowing it to have that swing motion. Some scrap Wills brick sheet was a handy source for the walls.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
3D printed diesel loco finished and on YouTube!
There is a YouTube video about it for your viewing pleasure or possible cure for insomnia!
Monday, June 3, 2024
Sleaford Model Railway Show
Mrs. Woody was insistent that I take her to the Sleaford Model Railway show on Staurday. Well that was in my dream but she did accompany me. A small one day show with some interesting layouts and some good traders some of whom benefitted from my wallets contents!
This 0 gauge narrow gauge layout, Salthaven Quay was particularly detailed. The interiors of most of the buildings had been modelled with incredible detail such as individual apples and bananas in the green grocers. The night time lighting was also unusual.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Time for a crane!
Cranes are always useful. You can use them to lift all manner of heavy items such as vehicles, crates or Mrs. Woody's latest internet shopping delivery! However WMD HQ does not have that many cranes and certainly not strong enough for the internet shopping lift but I do have one in stock for my 009 gauge layout Chalkdon. This is a 3D print that I picked up at the same time as the 3D printed diesel that I am building at the moment. That particular model has been matt varnished so whilst it dries I have started work on the crane.
This is what I got for £4 which is in my view excellent value.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Lucky 7!
I'm really pleased with that! I certainly had some luck with getting it to this stage though. Remember the abortive, botched orange paint job that I had to strip posted about a few days ago? Maybe all my locos should be numbered Lucky 7!