My clear out continues and I had to send to the unbelieving Mrs. Woody the photo below of the back of my car to prove I was on my way to the tip! Really! and for another really moment read to the end of this post!
I have about 25 foot of bookshelf space in my Man Cave which is all full, or was all full, plus a few boxes of magazines. My plan is to try to reduce that by half! So far I have emptied about 8 feet and two boxes so still some way to go!
This clear out is causing chaos in the Man Cave but I did get to see my USA switching layout for the first time in a few months which reminds me I need to have
play operate it!
Clearing out magazines does bring about some interesting things. I used to take a USA magazine called Bicycling back in the 70s.
Some interesting adverts for top range bikes which nowadays look so old - just like me!
The advertising methods are somewhat of the time too!
and I do remember this advert which I think at the time made me say 'Really' and still does! I don't think I need Bummer power!

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