There comes a time when you know that you are going to have to stop and have a clean up. Whilst I have argued in the past that some of the greatest artists in history have produced their best works in the chaos of a cluttered and untidy studio reminiscent of my man cave, But, I have also admitted that I am no great artist or produce great work! However things were getting to the point where I was spending more time looking for things then actually doing things so time to tidy!
Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Thursday, October 31, 2024
Time to tidy!
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Extension pins!
I am eventually going to have motorised points on my Last Great Project layout which will avoid having to switch them with my fingers. All very high tech but it does mean a lot of work. The point motors are the Peco solenoid ones which have an actuating pin that attaches to the tie bar in the point. Apply electricity to the solenoid from one direction and the point moves one way, change the polarity of the electricity and it moves the other.
The Peco motors are designed to fit directly to the point but means you have a big hole in the baseboard which I am not keen on. It also makes changing the point motor, if it fails, very difficult. I therefore mount the motor to a plastic base that Peco makes for this purpose. The plastic base secures the motor and can be screwed to the underside of the baseboard. The only problem is that the actuating pin is then too short to attach to the tie bar of the point. Not a problem as you can lengthen the pin with some brass tube and steel wire which handily the WMD Stores had in stock.
Having measured it did not take too long to make the extension pieces.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
I must have been lucky!
Well it is back to more wiring on my Last Great Project layout and whilst I thought that I had already previously wired up all the track I discovered I still needed to add power feeds at each end of two points so that is another 12 wires to deal with!

Monday, October 28, 2024
East Midlands Narrow Gauge Modellers Group show - some humour as well as a couple of other things!
Still at the East Midlands Narrow Gauge Modellers Group show, there was some humour about.
What is this on a railway????

Sunday, October 27, 2024
The unexpected afternoon out for Mrs. Woody!
I took Mrs. Woody out for the afternoon! She wasn't expecting that and equally wasn't expecting to end up at the East Midlands Narrow Gauge Modellers Group show which mysteriously was on our route!
Never been before and upon questioning neither had Mrs. Woody - strange that! Anyway, it was one of those small shows where there were not massive crowds and you could chat with the exhibitors and take your time looking at what was there. I also had the opportunity to meet fellow blogger Steve, from Steve's Narrow Gauge Adventure - linked on my blog list on the front page or by clicking here. He had said he was attending and as I said I would be carrying a copy of the Beano or Dandy comic if I went we did recognise each other. As I was between him and the exit he had few options other than to talk to me! He did question as to whether Mrs. Woody really does have a list of chores for me to do which Mrs. Woody answered by saying there was a list of lists! That is news to me as well! Being serious, it was great to meet Steve and he is a really great guy with a real passion for narrow gauge modelling and if you have a look at his blog he produces some fantastic models.
Taking in the show itself there were a lot of layouts and traders. I did restrain my purchases but Eddie from 3D Printing For Charity was there to empty my wallet and a number of items from his ever increasing range came home with me.
Talking of 3D printing, this entire layout had been built from 3D printed items including the track.
There were some beautifully executed layouts like this simple circle of track constructed in a cable drum. Very effective!

A most unusual layout in that it supposed a narrow gauge layout had made it into a World of automated trains, Amazon delivery pods and the tech world!
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Revealing a multitude of wires!
I still have a great deal of wiring to do and I still need to split three of the four baseboards so that the whole layout is, and I won't say portable but I will say moveable! All the tracklaying was completed back in April ( that post is here )of this year with 86 wires attached to the tracks to wire up the power to the layout. There will be point motors as well so there will be about 200 wires by the time I have finished.
First off is to cut through some rails at one of the baseboard joints.
With a fine bladed saw these were cut through and it is always a moment I dread in case the rails rip from their sleepers but it went well!
With the rails cut through the end baseboard could be lifted for the first time sine installed to reveal a multitude of wires.
It is at this point you think that I wonder if i should take up flower arranging or fishing as a hobby! However with a bit of thought (not my strong point!) and patience (not a strong point either!) things become organised!
Friday, October 25, 2024
Woody the failed detective!
It was a case of missing the obvious at the Rocks By Rail Museum yesterday. I certainly would not make a detective! I was busy looking at progress in the smokebox of 1931 where dismantling of various pipes was going on as part of the re-tubing work that I missed the obvious major piece of work.