It was a case of missing the obvious at the Rocks By Rail Museum yesterday. I certainly would not make a detective! I was busy looking at progress in the smokebox of 1931 where dismantling of various pipes was going on as part of the re-tubing work that I missed the obvious major piece of work.
It took me about ten minutes to realise that the cab roof had been removed - so obvious but undetected by me!
Going to the back of the loco it is obvious!You really get a good view of the firebox without the roor in place.
Of course I needed to detect where the roof was and luckily for my limited detective skills I did not have to look too hard. In fact a few step out of the restoration shed had me detect that this wagon might be concealing something!
Yes! My detective skills were back!
Luckily my detective skills were not needed to find John and Mr. D. John is preparing Mr. D for further painting so it is a case of flatting the existing paint in readiness for fresh paint to be applied. My detective skills would tell me that the new paint maybe similar to that that John painted the removable grills in last week!

This loco is John's project and I think he would set up his bed in the cab if his family would let him!
Once he has finished Mr. D there are a number of other projects in the background that require painting!
For me, despite the Museum now being closed to the public until next year, the grass still grows and needs cutting but at least it was warmand sunny - just the right weather for grass to grow in!
I also had another session of moving some more of the pile of cuttings that has been in place for a couple of years. There is a lot gone as you can see by the bald earth patch of where the pile once stretched to.
I filled two 1 ton builders bags up and the pile is now getting to the point of almost being undetectable! Well for my detective skills anyway!
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