I took a risk today! Nothing drastic just that I tried to spray the top gloss coat on the Heller Scania 141LB. Unfortunately its was cold in the WMD HQ spray room and there was damp in the air so the paint has not dried to a gloss which is the risk of spraying in these conditions. Looking at the weather forecast it is not getting better for a few days so I could take another risk by spraying in the kitchen but that is a risk far to far if Mrs. Woody found out! Anyway there is at least some more paint on the parts so they can dry and await a warmer drier day. If they the paint application had been successful then there should be a nice sheen coming off the parts instead of looking as matt as a dark hole!
As I am still waiting for the model water on the narrow gauge layout to fully dry - it is almost there but still needs to be left alone - I have looked for my next project and this is it.
The 143 and its associated derivatives was the next stage in the development of Scania line of trucks and will make a nice comparison with the 141 LB - when they both get finished! Now if I put a lot of newspaper down in the kitchen would I get away with spraying in there? I don't learn do I!