Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Friday, April 28, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
A wake, a book and dark yellow - a day in the life of Woody!
Unusually I had a day at the Rocks By Rail Museum today. The Museum closed for the day to host the wake of one of the members whose funeral it was. Unfortunately I did not know the member as he had succumbed to illness before I joined but he had made a big impact on the Museum over the years and it was obvious that his loss had affected those who did know him. It was great to see everyone come together to remember him and there was more laughter than tears which was a lovely way to remember someone. Although not knowing him I did assist with the catering and hosting duties which I hope went some way to making the day somewhat easier for his family and members to deal with. These sort of events always make me somewhat reflective and I do always have a sense of the preciousness of life and the need to live it to the full afterwards.
Anyway, enough of the philosophy! Whilst awaiting the arrival of the guests I did peruse the 'previously loved' book section in the cafe. Always interesting to see what is there and I did find this book on the Bicester Military Railway that I bought. Whilst I have known of this railway system for many years the only thing that Mrs. Woody knows about Bicester is the Retail Outlet Center where all the designer labels have shops. We did visit once and once only. My wallet was securely secreted on my person and my eyes wide open at the prices of things. There was the bargain handbag reduced from £12,000 to a mere £6,000 that Mrs. W had here eye on but I persuaded her that the colour did not suit her! The book was a much lesser price and will probably out last most handbags!
I will get round to reading it although I do have a pile of books that also await my availability to sit down and absorb their writing and illustrations.
Back at WMD HQ work on the Tamiya Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma has continued with an overall application of the base colour of Tamiya Dark Yellow to the hull, turret and wheels. This was the main colour German vehicles were painted in during the later part of WW2. Just the underside of the hull and the other sides of the wheels left to do.
Crews then usually applied random patterns of dark green and red brown in order to camouflage the vehicle. Tamiya do all the paints required with the Dark Yellow being XF60, the Dark Green being XF61 and the Red Brown being XF64. Luckily the WMD HQ paint stores have all of those in stock!
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Although I am normally primed to do the chores on Mrs. Woody's list of jobs for me, primed in this case refers to the Tamiya Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma. Having prepared the various components yesterday, today saw them primed in my go to Vallejo black primer. Both sides of the various small parts have been primed as well as the hull and turret.
I am now primed to get some colour on it in the next few days - chore lists allowing!
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Grass, repairs and paint - oh, and progress on the Puma!
Three things going on at Rocks by Rail Museum today. Me grass cutting and at lunch the mass of brain power of my fellow diners calculated I walked ten miles cutting the grass today! No wonder I had an apatite!
Also being painted is Paul's loco buffer beams. The photos don't do the undercoat justice as it does look rather pink in true day light! Not what you expect on a diesel but Paul assures me that the top coat will be a full blown bright red!
Monday, April 24, 2023
Puma and bird table!
An odd title but starting with the Puma (which in this case is the tank not the large cat), today saw further progress on the Tamiya Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma. It is all the small bits that take the time to prepare and there are a few on this kit. The jack is an example/ Five parts go to make it all of which have to be cleaned up and then glued together. Add to that time, the time it also takes to find the parts that fall from my fingers onto the fall as I try to clean up joint lines (I made the right choice in having a hard floor rather then carpet - you can never find parts once they go in the pile of the carpet as I know from bitter experience!) and soon the jack becomes a 25 minute job.
There are four wing markers and two aerials to add and the two figures that came with the kit to assemble and then it will be paint time.
Moving onto the bird table I did cover my restoration of it in this blog back in July 2021 (click here to see it). Unfortunately it was a victim of the recent building works. Not sure what happened to it but its roof ended up in pieces. Just hope the builders built a stronger roof then I did!
To gain some much needed credibility with Mrs. Woody and clear an eyesore from the garden I have repaired it and given it another coat of wood paint.
Mrs. W was suitably impressed although she did point out no birds had landed on it which after all is the purpose of the structure. She does have a point! However, landing birds or not, hopefully it will last for a few more years yet and no pumas will be seen on it!
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Catching up on the Tamiya Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma.
It seems as though someone has forgotten to tell the weather it is no longer Winter! Another day of cold wetness that made me think it was January not April. However at least it was relatively warm and certainly dry in the Man Cave where I was able to enjoy the delights of having a clear workbench.
With space comes a desire to fill it so the half built Tamiya Sd.Kfz 234/2 Puma that I started at the beginning of the year (when the weather seemed to be equally wet and cold as now) came out of storage.
I had got to the stage of putting the jerry cans in their cradles and putting the etched brass straps on. I had actually completed one so there were another five to do.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
The decks are clear - well clearer!
As I posted several days ago I need to clear the decks on my workbench as it was just becoming too crowded with unfinished projects, paints, glue, tools and various bits that I just don't understand how they arrived on the bench! Anyway the Knightwing Foden Haulmaster tipper truck is just about finished and can be taken off the bench following the application of some spare number plates left over from the build of the Leyland National bus last year.
With the truck removed the bench itself was looking like this!
Following some serious sorting out it does look somewhat clearer and organised!
How long this will remains the case is open to debate but if you are into betting I would be putting money on not long! However in the meantime it has at least raised my spirits - nothing beats creating space on the decks!
Friday, April 21, 2023
Mirror, Mirror, on the truck!
Just a few minutes out in the man cave today which was enough though to put together some door mirrors for the Knightwing Foden Haulmaster tipper truck. The arms were bent from some brass wire and the mirrors were simply cut from a scrap of plastic card.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Almost finished!
It is almost finished - the Knightwing Foden Haulmaster tipper that is. I have started fitting some glazing and need to fettle the cab to sit a bit lower but it does look like a proper tipper!
I feel almost finished too after a morning putting out banners for the Rocks By Rail Museum event over the May Bank holiday. At least it is done having visited various locations to put them in place and dragging all the stuff from the safe parking place to the visible location which are never conveniently in the same place! Oh well the exercise will do me good!