Well it is back to some model making activity. This time back with my 00 gauge Last Great Project Layout. It is point time and I need to fit point motors to the four points on the removable baseboard section. Unfortunately due to me not getting the planning of the baseboard quite right when I built it there was a cross member under one of the points making fitting an underboard motor impossible. Luckily I tend to use screws to fasten things together so it was reasonably easy to move it although I had to undo a lot of screws to take the profile boards off first!
Original wrong position!
Point motors themselves will be the Peco solenoid type. Old fashioned these day s but so am I! You can bend the tags on the motor to create a fastening point to screw to the baseboard but I prefer a proper mounting plate.
I used to use these aluminum plates as shown below but unfortunately I cannot find a supply of these anymore.
An alternative is produced by PECO in plastic. Even I should be able to follow those instructions on the packaging!

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