After the chaos of yesterday in the Man Cave with scattered tools, materials, track, trains, scenic materials and an assortment of miscellaneous junk added for effect, today has seen a resemblance of calm return! That is on the baseboard as I have moved most of the aforementioned things off it and onto the floor so I need to do some cleaning up! Most of the track laying and wiring on the front half of the layout is now more or less complete.
There are still sections of track that need to be glued down and then ballasted and the baseboard joints still need doing but the layout can function again.
You may notice I have installed a couple of additional points heading off toward the edge of the baseboard which are there for possible future expansion. Thinking ahead it is easier to put them in now then once everything is glued and ballasted!
There is still a lot to do including dealing with a lot of wiring. This is only part of it!
But sorting it out can wait until I can turn the baseboard upside down - my back just cant take much more bending at the moment as I have told Mrs. Woody who calmly and sympathetically (I think) rolled her eyes, sighed and turned the volume up on the TV! I just stayed calm!