Today continuing the building of the Airfix Dodge 1 1/2 Ton Personnel Carrier it was a matter of getting hooked or rather the lack of hooks. The towing hook for the trailer was broken off and missing and a hook was needed for the winch cable. It was a dive into the WMD HQ stocks of bras wire to find something suitable to bend to shape. They would not be scale but better than what I had or indeed not got. They were soon done and put into their respective places.
Other jobs done included fitting the folding windscreen and the cab doors. I just need to fit the Power Take Off equipment for the winch and the exhaust and then that will finally see the chassis finished. I will be glad when it is finished as it is fragile and not the prettiest thing to look at. Once the body parts are on it should gain significant strength. Top side there are a few parts left to fix including the machine gun and its carrier and some tools so it may get built before Christmas. As mentioned yesterday the builders doing my conservatory rebuild did not turn up yesterday and again were missing today. Apparently they are all down with flu. So, the question is will the builders be back before I finish this build? Given my progress on most matters Mrs. Woody would be backing the builders!