It is 2023 and on the 2 January 2022 I posted a few things that I would like to complete in 2022. I don't tend to dwell on the past but every now and again it is good just to take a quick glance back and see how unsuccessful I was and this blog does this for me exactly as I hoped!
A year ago I wrote the following and I have added my note on the success or otherwise: -
For this year I am going to try to do
- the jobs on Mrs. W's ever refreshed list!
- Partial success - Well first off Mrs. Woody's list of jobs is like the universe - ever expanding but I did do a few on there!
- cycle 5200 miles
- Success - I actually smashed my target ending the year on 6060.
- build at least 12 kits of scale 1/35th or greater from my stash
- Fail - This is where it all starts going wrong! I actually fully built three kits and half built 5.
- finish the narrow gauge railway layout
- Partial success -The narrow gauge layout progressed and is nearly finished - honest!
- finish laying the track and wiring on my Last Great Project layout and try to get some basic scenery on it
- Fail - My Last Great Project was completely rebuilt into a new configuration and still needs wiring and basic scenery.
- complete as many Shelf Queens as I can
- Fail - I completed one shelf queen - others await and in fact the shelf is bending further under the weight of new additions!
- sort out/tidy/de-junk my man cave AKA The Room of Gloom
- Partial success -The rebuild of The Last Great Project did some of that.
- try to spend one day a week volunteering at the Rocks by Rail Museum
- Success - I spent 66 days at the Museum
- finish sorting out my parents affects which although I have not talked about it on this blog has taken up so much of my time last year and is an emotional business. I would like to complete it.
- Partial success - I have probably a large garden shed worth of stuff and a lot of paperwork but a lot less than a year ago but it has not been an easy process
9 things in that list - 2 successes, 4 partial successes and 3 fails which in very approximate terms to me means I achieved about half of what I set out to do which I am thinking is not too bad!
So what are you planning for 2023 then Woody? you may be asking. Well actually I think exactly the same as last year. As Mrs. Woody points out I usually only do half a job so on the basis that last year I completed half of what I set out to do this year I should achieve the other half if I do exactly the same! There is some odd logic in that but it will keep Mrs. W quiet for a while as she tries to get her head round it!
Talking of Mrs. W., as I had dragged her round the Newark Toy Fair yesterday we did go out today on a non-model related trip and discovered a couple of things we never knew about. Just outside of Lincolnshire village Bicker we ended up driving down a fen road which was more like a track. It was off route but I don't follow sat-nav instructions very well! Anyway about 2 miles from the nearest village we came across this memorial to a crashed Lancaster bomber and its crew. Took a minute to reflect.
A bit further into the depths of the County near to the village of Sempringham we came across this rather isolated church.
Not too unusual but what was nearby was certainly strange in that you do not expect to see a monument to a Welsh Princess from the 1200's and with it being in the Welsh language in Lincolnshire. She spent most of her life as a nun in Lincolnshire of all places.
There is the full history to this on the Historic UK website that you can see by clicking
Now with a positive attitude and looking forward, will the builders finally return tomorrow???