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Friday, January 6, 2023

Another brick in the wall?

Well some good news and some bad news today in respect of the conservatory rebuild. The good news is that the floor slab is laid.

Conservatory rebuild

Conservatory rebuild

The bad news is that the bricks sent for the outer wall are not only rejects with damage but the wrong face to match the existing bricks. Not good. No doubt there are reasons why all this has happened and my measure of how good companies are is by how well they resolve problems when they arise. I will probably have to wait until Monday to find out though. Certainly for the moment there are no bricks in the wall!

Conservatory rebuild

On a more relaxing front and not needing any bricks in walls I had a half hour in the man cave. 

I originally talked about my Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156 back in November.

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

At the time I said it looked better on the layout then in the box and it did.

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

The only thing was at the time it could not run as there was no DCC chip in it. That has changed!

It should be a simple task to put a chip in but to actually get the body off the chassis is a horrible task. I thought it was all going to break at one point. The issue is that there is no way to access the middle four clips to release them so you literally have to force the body and chassis apart and hope nothing breaks.

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

 Luckily for me I got enough separation to allow me access to the motor and DCC socket. Excuse the screwdriver being used like a car jack!

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

With the socket revealed on top of the motor the blanking plug could be removed and the DCC chip plugged in.

Hornby Northern Rail RAF Class 156

Its simple once you get in! On the layout it runs but probably needs running in to get smoother movement. At the moment at slower speeds there is the slights of jerkiness unlike me where a slow speed I just jerk!

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