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Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Muckleborough Tank Museum T34 Tank.

I have been to sunny Norfolk with Mrs. Woody for a few days. It is a beautiful place with many interesting attractions apart from the wonderful scenery and the sea. One of these attractions is the Muckleborough Military Collection just outside of Sheringham on the North Norfolk Coast. It is a large collection of artillery, tanks and hard/soft skinned vehicles. You can even have a ride around the site in a Leyland DAF four wheel drive truck. Not as exciting as the Gamma Goat I went on some years ago but never the less rough enough to need fully harnessed seats, More on that and the other vehicles in another post but today I will highlight the fact that there is a T34 as part of the collection. Anyone having read previous posts will know I am building an Egyptian T34 at the moment and built a Russian one last year so these tanks are of interest.

Whilst building these tank models I am always worried I am not neat enough in my build. However take a look at these pictures to see just how rough these tanks were. It does appear that by accident, my poor modelling skills may have actually produced something more realistic than if I had skillfully constructed the kit into a pristine vehicle! 

Have a look at these to see just how rough the real tank is. Whilst I was taking the photos I also stuck the camera through the open drivers hatch and just blindly pointed it to see what images I would get. Very interesting especially as I built the Italeri kit with the interior in it last year. It is more roomy than I thought it would be!

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

The Muckleborough Tank Museum,T34,

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