As I have only been a volunteer at the Museum since October I am still learning how jobs and needs change with the time of year. At the moment with the Museum now open to the public the aesthetics of the Museum are important. The Museum may not be the grandest in the Country but that doesn't mean that you don't need to try to make what we have look at its best. Todays first job for me was to dead head the flowers in the various troughs and pots on the platform and then give them a good soaking as the dry weather is taking its toll. At least the place looks a bit brighter with some colour from the plants.
Having done that I then had to act as a spotter to make sure it was safe to move the locomotives for this weekends running session out of the shed and their fire boxes to be cleaned out and various parts of the running gear to be inspected and lubricated.
This is another of the locomotives that will be running over the weekend - looks very clean.
Then it was down to some rust removal on a steam vacuum pipe that was on a work bench awaiting this job to be done. The angle grinder at least made this job easier than using a wire brush powered by elbow grease!
Someone will have a shock tomorrow as I tidied the work bench. It was just too messy for me to leave it without performing some form of organisation. I doubt it will be in that state when I nesxt look!
Last but possibly the most important job of the day was welcoming and having a chat with some of our guests. Always good to find out from people a little about where they have come from, their interests and what they think of the museum as well as giving them some background on the exhibits and most importantly thanking them for visiting us. Without our guests there would be no museum! No doubt I will be also talking a lot on Monday when I am back for another operating day which always seems popular and attracts many visitors. My voice as well as my feet will be sore on Tuesday but it will be worth it! All part of the variety of things that go on at the Museum and I learn new things on every visit.