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Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day unboxing!

Here in the UK it is Boxing Day. I know from friends in the USA this is a strangely named day but as I understand it goes back in history to the days when the gentry gave a boxed gift to their workers the day after Christmas and hence it is known as Boxing Day.

For the purpose of this post though Boxing Day is unboxing day when I have time to look in more detail at my presents. I knew what I was getting from Mrs. Woody as I bought them at the Spalding Model Railway Show back in November but I had not seen them since then. Two locos, both second hand, or as it now appears in many places the much more forgiving and encouraging phase of 'pre-loved', but you would not know from their condition. 

First up is this Class 08 shunter in EWS livery.

Bachman Class 08 Shunter EWS

Bachman Class 08 Shunter EWS

I am slowly building up a collection of EWS locos and rolling stock and this adds nicely to that. It runs well but from what I understand it never saw any use on a layout so probably could do with a running in session. Of course this pristine finish to the body is something seldom seen on the real locomotives as they led hard lives with little cosmetic attention so it will need weathering at some point.

This Standard Class 5MT locomotive is however already heavily weathered.

Bachmann Standard Class 5MT

Bachmann Standard Class 5MT

A fantastically characterful locomotive which displays the unloved condition that this and other similar rollingstock was allowed to get into as British Rail forged ahead with its modernisation program of diesel and electric propulsion. Again another great runner but probably little used previously so could do with a good run in and lubrication.

I also got a gift from Mr. Beecham and it was this great kit from Italeri of a SU100 Assault Gun. He must know I have a soft spot for Russian WW2 vehicles!

Italeri SU100 Assult Gun

Complete with turned metal gun barrel!

Italeri SU100 Assult Gun

Nice one Mr. B and very much appreciated!

So those are my presents unboxed! As for Mrs. Woody, no Christmas would be right for her without a new handbag which she did get along with the matching purse! I just think I will get more enjoyment from my locos and kit then she will from her hand bag but I am biased!

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