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Sunday, December 4, 2022

The destructive abilities of cats and kittens!

Three weeks today it will be Christmas so I thought I would make an effort and introduce the cats and kittens to the WMD HQ gesture to Christmas decorations. Those with cats and kittens will know the futility of putting up a Christmas tree and accompanying decorations. All that happens is that it becomes an enormous cat play toy. Eventually the tree is felled, the lights trailed across the room through furniture and the decorations are scattered throughout the house still being discovered in their new locations during the following summer. However a few weeks ago I did spot the Racing Santas decoration whilst accompanying Mrs. Woody on one of her wallet stressing shopping trips (that post is here). At the time I was taken by it and I went back a week later to pick up the last one in stock. I thought that at least it can be easily put out of the reach of cats and kittens. Today it came out and was assembled. You can't help by being amused by the kittens antics ( the older cats were asleep)  and you can understand why they are banned from the Man Cave! Nothing would be left which Mrs. Woody would no doubt find as amusing as the destruction of the Racing Santas as highlighted in this short video!!

Talking of the Man Cave I did some more finishing off on the landscaping with the road and canal glued down and their edges given some greenery to blend them in. I have also put two of the track circuits back in temporarily and today saw some trains run - YAY!!!!!!!

My Last Great Project

My Last Great Project

My Last Great Project

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