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Monday, December 5, 2022

Route 66 - Back in the USA!

Unfortunately Woody is not actually physically back in the USA but my mind is! A strange place my mind as Mrs. Woody keeps saying! Actually it has gone back to about 2004 or 2005 when visiting Arizona on our way to see good friends who lived in Oregon at the time - Yep! That is you Casey and Steve if you are reading this! Being the designated driver gave me the opportunity to make unscheduled stops such as at the model shop in I think Kingman on Route 66! A wonderful hour spent by me perusing and a boring hour for Mrs. W although she enjoyed the air con in the shop!

Anyway no way was I coming out of the shop with nothing. Most people would buy a wagon or maybe a loco. Not me! I bought an entire train set! The Layfette historic train set by Bachmann was the princely sum of $89.75 which at the time when the pound sterling was worth nearly $2 made it just over £45. Absolute bargain and how I would fit it in the luggage on the flight home was something that I would cross later but Mrs. W's luggage might have to be a bit cramped! 

It did safely get back to the UK and Mrs. W's luggage was not unduly crammed. Since it's arrival it has unfortunately stayed in its box safely stored away. However in my never ending quest to fulfill Mrs. W's desires as highlighted in her chore list for me to do (hope she reads that!) I was sorting through some stuff and uncovered it and memories came flooding back!

It is beautifully packaged which probably was what attracted me to it in the first place.

Bachmann La Feyette

It comes with all those warnings about the dangers of electricity and so on! I obviously will not be plugging that 110v controller into the UK 220V system! 

Bachmann La Feyette

There is some history to the train.

Bachmann La Feyette

Then into the set itself - stunning!

Bachmann La Feyette

The locomotive is tiny but full of detail.

Bachmann La Feyette

Bachmann La Feyette

The carriages even have seats.

Bachmann La Feyette

Another of those models I need to run. It will look interesting running with my model of Rocket!

In the meantime my mind is still back in the USA - especially the heat of Arizona which I could do with at the moment as the UK weather heads towards the Beast from the East 2!

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