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Friday, August 9, 2024


A day at the Rocks by Rail Museum is usually exhausting for me with a fair amount of physical work. However in this case I am talking about the exhaust on Mr. D the small diesel shunter.

Rocks by Rail Museum

The ever resourceful John is finding the parts that are scattered wide and far over the Museum and getting them to actually fit as originally intended.

Rocks by Rail Museum

I see John even found the horn! Not sure what will be louder? Horn or exhaust?

Rocks by Rail Museum

The weighbridge project is coming on with the door now in its company maroon colour thanks to new volunteer Steve - we don't give any new volunteers much chance to escape!

Rocks by Rail Museum

He also gave the weigh head a fresh coat of green and it looks really smart.

Rocks by Rail Museum

For me, despite a days mowing I had a half hour at the end of the day to remove another builders bag of rotting vegetation from the pile that has built up near the quarry.

Rocks by Rail Museum

It may be exhausting and may only be a bag or so a week....

Rocks by Rail Museum

But over time it adds up! You can see how the pile has been reduced. Hopefully by the end of the open season it will be gone!

Rocks by Rail Museum

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