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Friday, August 2, 2024

Warm at the Museum and warm enough to bring a Tiger out!

It was one if those days yesterday where you sweated or if you are posh, perspired, without even moving. Given the conditions it was amazing that much got done at the Rocks by Rail Museum but it did!

The ever able and knowledgeable John was under the bonnet of Mr. D where he said it was actually cooler than outside. Mr. D has started and run but there are still small things to connect up like some oil pipes which John was doing yesterday.

Rocks by Rail Museum

As you can see he was dressed for a warm day!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile, and not so well dressed for a warm day, Andy and David look on at John's contortions under the bonnet of Mr. D.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Andy did have some jobs to do though, such as soldering this pipe together - you don't often see soldering like this anymore.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Meanwhile, I spent most of the day in the outside heat! Mowing was one task but I did take some time out to remove another builders bag worth of dead vegetation from the long standing pile and transport it to the recycling point. That is the fourth bag now and it is beginning to show in the size of the pile left. I might have cleared it by the end of the year!.

Started with this....

Rocks by Rail Museum

Filled this....

Rocks by Rail Museum

And was left with this.....

Rocks by Rail Museum

Back at WMD HQ, the hot weather must be affecting me as I had a desire to glue plastic together again! I have also had a long term desire to build a Tiger tank which I talked about some time ago when I uncovered my three Tiger kits. Well one Tiger has come out!

Dragon Tiger tank

It is a second hand kit and although no parts appear to have been glued the previous owner had separated a fair few parts so the first thing to do was to ensure all was there. Luckily the plans have a contents diagram so that made things easier.

Dragon Tiger tank

All appears to be present including some etched brass parts - Oh joy!!!!

Dragon Tiger tank

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