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Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Having built the cooling fans for the Dragon Tiger 1 kit I needed to paint them. Given that there are grills that go over them and that there will be painting and weathering of the hull I am not sure how much will actually be seen. However, rather than not paint them and then wish I had I have taken the option that it is best to do the job just in case!. The plans give the required paint colours which seem a bit bright but I am sure they must be right! First off was a general coat of silver to both the fan sub assemblies plus the part of the hull interior where they fitted.

Dragon Tiger tank

Then the fans themselves were to be painted copper but strangely WMD stores only had brass coloured paint in stock which was near enough for me. The etched panels around the fans were painted red which was the colour which struck me as being most unusual for a tank but there you go! The radiators were painted steel which given the silver surrounding it did not really show up but then all of this will be seen through a grill anyway!

Dragon Tiger tank

With all the painting done the fan sub assemblies were glued to the hull interior.

Dragon Tiger tank

I had already had to shave off the tops of the radiators so that the hull top would fit and I just checked that it still did fit before the glue set. It still did. Fantastic!

Dragon Tiger tank

There are a host of small parts to deal with next as I move onto the top surface of the tank so the swear jar may well so some contributions!


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