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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mr. D derails!

I hinted that it was an unusual day at the Rocks By Rail Museum yesterday with the Bank Holiday Monday quarry day. It was almost derailed by Mr. D derailing on the point to the exhibition centre where the locos are stored. Luckily, two of the three we needed were out on the main line when the incident happened so it could have been worse!

Here is Mr. D off the rails in-between the point rails.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Jacking the loco up required high powered manual jacks and lots of wood.

Rocks by Rail Museum

After three failed attempts one set of wheels went onto the rails following a big push from one of the Sentinel locos.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Then, at the end of the afternoon Mr. D finally was back on the rails - much to the relief of everyone!

Rocks by Rail Museum

How the rest of the event went I will explain tomorrow!

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