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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Insulated, boarded, hatched and time at the Museum!

 Its hard going at WMD HQ as I get involved in the kitchen rebuild but I did have time for a few hours at the Museum where work on the vacuum compressor saw some head scratching as the pulleys didn't match the drive belts available.

Rocks by Rail Museum

 I thought that three people on the job was a little top heavy and then I saw John emerge from underneath!

Rocks by Rail Museum

I also had some time to work on the Dragon Tiger 1 kit where the turret is coming together and put on the hull it looks so much netter.

Dragon Tiger tank

Dragon Tiger tank

Several hatches left to build yet  and given the number of parts that Dragon seem to like to make assemblies they won't be a quick or easy build!

Somewhat quicker is the kitchen rebuild where the ceiling was bought down enabling the electrician to have an easier job and the void is now insulated which should help with heat and noise. It just needs boarding and plastering. 

Kitchen rebuild

The back wall has now been rewired and boarded out ready for the plaster work. If only I could do things this quick!

Kitchen rebuild


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