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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Going back in time.

At my age I can do a lot of going back in time posts but for this one I am only going back to around 2012. On holiday with Mrs. Woody in Norfolk that year a trip to Sherringham was undertaken. A walk down the main street towards the sea front saw us pass a model shop which at that time was called AutoLoco. Despite the name implying otherwise the shop had a lot of second hand radio controlled boats of various degrees of quality. However there was model railway stuff in there as well although you sometimes had to search through other stuff to get to it. Over the years I have had several things from that shop searched out amongst the boats but in this particular year something caught my eye in the shop window.  A Bachmann Class 108 2 car DMU in early British rail green. Its price of £79.50 sounds like a real bargain given at the time it was retailed new at £95.15 and at todays prices even more of a bargain with similar models well over £200. Given that it already had had a DCC chip fitted as well made me reach for my wallet. 

I am ashamed to say that apart from having a look at the time at the model it sat in its box for the next 10 years. This weekend however it came out of its box and despite its overlong hibernation it ran superbly at the first application of power. Good job I guess as it would be a bit late to take it back and the shop has changed ownership as well! It is a wonderful model and I recall just why I was captivated when I saw it. Hopefully it will be seeing more of the tracks on my layout where it belongs.

I am not a fan of the so called 'unboxing' posts and videos but I did include a couple of pictures of the box here to remind me of what the model was and its price! You can see my skills at doing a 'unboxing' item are somewhat limited as I have a picture of an empty box. I forgot to take the photo with the model still in the box and I really could not be bothered to pack it away again, take the photo and to then put it back in the box only to get it out again, if that makes sense? So here is the empty box!

Bachmann Class 105 DMU

You just have to love the description ' With Speed Whiskers"! Wonder if my cats have those?

Bachmann Class 105 DMU

So without any further delay here are some photos of this beautiful DMU.

Bachmann Class 105 DMU

It has illuminated destination blinds with Bedford at one end and Hitchin at the other. This was a branch of the Midland Railway where this DMU would have run in the 1960's at which time it would have been a cutting edge train. 60 years later and similar DMUs are now running on Heritage railways. 
Bachmann Class 105 DMU

Bachmann Class 105 DMU

So that concludes this trip back in time but there are lots more things in the WMD HQ collection yet to be unearthed from back in time so stay tuned - my blog is the ultimate cure for insomnia!

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