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Saturday, July 22, 2023


I understand that the World's perception of the UK is that it is a usually wet country climatically wise. Given that the last decade or so has seen some really hot and dry spells you would think that perception would be on the way out. However given today, yesterday, the day before that and so on, maybe that original perception is still valid! It has been a real rainy day and I think that the Burning Woman Festival that I talked about yesterday is probably more like a Somewhat Damp Festival as from what I understand it is mainly taking place in the open or in tents. Not something I could cope with these days!

However, I think I can cope with the wet weather better than the 40C temperatures in some parts of Europe at the moment. Anyway, whilst it is very British to talk about the weather, there are other things in life, as Mrs. Woody tells me as she hands me another list of jobs to do! To cope with doing those I have, however, managed to get out to the Man Cave between jobs and without getting too wet! Having found the missing safely stored coping stones to the two viaducts I thought it best to actually now attach them before they became missing safely stored again.

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

Metcalfe Viaduct Kit

I had thought that I was only missing four coping stones but it was actually eight - the other four were in the bag - luckily! Anyway with them all in place it just makes the viaducts look better - you could even say coping well!

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