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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Having returned from my bike ride this afternoon (it had dried up from this mornings downpour) I got caught in another downpour! Wet and soggy I thought where has summer gone? Looking back two years ago I blogged this on the 16th July 2022.....

With warnings of a hot weekend I still had to remind myself that it was only mid July whilst out on my bike ride this morning seeing harvested fields, hay stacks and tractors out ploughing - sights normally for late August and September!!

How times change with this today! Wet, wet and to avoid the pop group cliché, more wet!

And talking of change the 3D printed engine shed has changed a bit! The rook trusses have been fitted to the underside of the corrugated iron roof sheets

3D Printed engine shed,
And it is a nice tight fit on the shed itself whilst still being able to be lifted off.

3D Printed engine shed,

I have also fettled the window frames by removing some flash as well as on the doors.

3D Printed engine shed,

 Next stage is to think about some paint and then it will really have changed!

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