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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Spur of the moment!

Well my spur of the moment idea led to very little model making but another YouTube video!

I just needed to cut six strips of plasticard to the identical width. So I did my usual of measuring the first one and cutting it. If I then tried to accurately measure and cut the remaining five I can guarantee they would all vary in width. But I did have a hack! That is to butt up a piece of wood to the edge of the plasticard, place the 'master' already cut strip against the block over the plasticard, then butt up my steel edge cutting strip against the 'master' and hold it tight as I remove wood and the 'master'. Result is that the steel edge is placed exactly right to be able to cut another strip identical to the 'master' strip. Saves time in measuring and gives accurate results. 

As I started cutting I thought that was a hint that I had never seen anywhere else so why not share it via YouTube. So this is the result!

I did however get the six strips cut and glued the two parts of the roof together!

3D Printed engine shed

Once finished, it will go on Chalkdon my 009 layout  and I think this location is ideal opposite the quarry unless I have any more spur of the moment thoughts!

3D Printed engine shed

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