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Sunday, July 21, 2024

More colour and a murmuration!

Out on a bike ride I was reminded of yesterdays post about shades of colour when I came across this beautiful field of wild of wild flowers in varying shades of yellow and blue.

Wild flowers

Back to the 3D printed engine shed and the walls have all been 'shaded' and now matt varnished ready for some dilute black paint wash.

3D Printed engine shed

In addition the doors, window frames and barge boards have been painted in the Chalkdon red which is on several other railway related buildings on my 009 layout so matches the company livery.

Coming out of the Man Cave yesterday evening I had to stand and watch the skies for about 10 minutes as a murmuration (which I understand is the right name for what I saw) of rooks took place. Literally hundreds of them flying in circles, landing in a tree and power cables then all flying for another circuit before going back to the tree and cables and repeating it several times. Just fascinating!


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