A day at Rocks By Rail Museum but with just three of us volunteers in today not a lot of physical things got done. We had quite a few visitors all very nice and inquisitive about things so we did a lot of talking! Now for me talking is something I do naturally so give me an audience and I can talk about almost anything that comes to mind so I was in my element! At least no one made excuses to walk away so the chat must have been interesting to all parties involved.
Despite the skeleton staff situation I did get a bit of grass cutting done.
The clam bucket planters have done well in the wet weather and as I said to Mrs. Woody, every garden should have one of these planters in it. I am still awaiting her response!

In the restoration shed work on Ketton No1 has slowed as the small parts are now dealt with - just like model making!
The four gaps on each side of the bonnet have covers like the two in the photo below.
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