Why I always seem to choose the hottest of weeks to start on a major physical project is a question that I cannot answer but it always seems to happen! At the moment I am building a monster of a log store for WMD HQ. Now I understand whilst I refer to it as a monster to some others who have large log storage requirements it may be seen as just a piffling small store but it is double the size of my present one, which at 20 plus years old is about to collapse! I also have piles of logs and timber for burning all over the place so hopefully it will all be able to be gathered in this store and kept dry.
Anyway, on the basis that I will use what I have, much of the stock of timber that I saved from other projects has gone into this one. The photo below shows the base which is 4 x 2 inch timber salvaged from the shuttering to the base of my Man Cave. I knew it would come in useful and with the price of timber these days its saved enough to be not so guilty about that next train!
Being such a large and dense timber there is some weight in that base!
This is where it is going but as you can see this has become the WMD building materials and scrap storage area.
After a clean up it looks better!

Having nearly dehydrated from carrying the base around, it is in place!
To stop the possibility of rot from damp, I raised the base on five of these old cut down fence posts. And to try to stop those rotting I have put a layer of roofing felt on the side that lays on the concrete slabs.
With those in place it was time to attach the uprights and then the preconstructed top which was not easy to lift in place!
With the top fastened in place I could fully appreciate the size of this! Still much to do like sides, back ,floor and roof but I think I have dealt with the most physical parts now!
I wont be able to do any more until next week probably but hopefully it might be a bit cooler by then!