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Monday, June 24, 2024

Wagon or freight car?

The fixing of the wagon or in American terms, freight car (never sure how to refer to it in the UK but I guess freight car is probably the more appropriate term) coupling has grown into a bigger job! This is almost always the case with one of my projects! I found some damage to the body moulding with the ladders at one end crumpled

Wagon repair

and a missing step at the other end indicated by the red arrow.

Wagon repair

Some carful gluing and clamping got the crumpled steps back to shape.

Wagon repair

And some plastic strip formed a new step that just needs cleaning up and painting.

Wagon repair

Whilst in bits I painted the underside in grey. Not sure if this is the case in real life as the photos of real freight wagons show various paint schemes. It should be a good base to weathering though!

Wagon repair

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