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Friday, June 21, 2024

Thinking you are going to do one thing and end up doing another!

Yesterday I spent the day at the Rocks By Rail Museum. My thinking was that a final push on a couple of still wild like grass areas with the mower would see the site returned to looking well kept rather than jungle like! Having got the mower out and ready to set off where mowers had not been for some time I got a call from Andy. He had come in to clear a valve in one of the steam locos but his day was about to go from planned to unplanned! He asked me if I could give him a hand as the toilets were blocked! Now in a place like the Museum where we are all volunteers you have to accept that on occasions there will be some less than pleasant jobs to be undertaken but they have to be done.

Without going into a blow by blow account of the issues, we had to take two of the toilets completely out which was not the easiest job as you can tell from the look on Andy's face!  

Rocks by Rail Museum

The cause of the blockages? 

Rocks by Rail Museum

Two of the rim cleaners that puts a dose of cleaner into the water each time the toilet is flushed were in the outlet pipe blocking everything being flushed! How they got there - possibly youngsters? Who knows? Nice! Anyway we don't use those cleaners anymore so hopefully that is the end to the problem. With everything cleared it was time to replace everything and get on with our original plans!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Andy got on with the valve.

Rocks by Rail Museum

I have no idea what it does but no doubt something important!

Rocks by Rail Museum

I got on with mowing - nice and quiet down on the nature trail!

Rocks by Rail Museum

And as we were leaving for the day so was our last guest who had come in a very rare Vauxhall Chevette HS of 1978 vintage. Not seen one of these for years but when it came out it was a wolf in sheep's clothing as it has a 2.3 slant 4 cylinder engine under the bonnet!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

Great to see this still on the road!

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