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Friday, June 28, 2024

Miniture Engineering.

A strange day at the Rocks By Rail Museum as when I arrived the gates were locked and a volunteer was waiting to get in. To cut a long story short I had to hunt down a set of keys from a local volunteer and open the place up. Now I knew Richard was into all things steam but I was amazed at what he is building in his garage at home.

Miniature traction engine

Miniature traction engine

This is a quarter scale miniature traction engine which is getting to the point of being finished and being able to be steamed! Strange what you find out about people in the strangest of circumstances! I await the finished engine which may hopefully be on the road next year.

Meanwhile, back at the Museum, with keys in hand I was able to get us into the place and open up to our visitors of which there were a few. I carried on with my usual mower mayhem but to be honest it is beginning to look good on the vegetational front. You can almost see stripes in that grass!

Rocks by Rail Museum

The unusual planters are also looking good!

Rocks by Rail Museum

Whilst things that we want to grow are doing well, the weed killing treatment on the track a few weeks ago has cleaned up the track bed nicely.

Rocks by Rail Museum

Rocks by Rail Museum

On future projects, this has been dug out of storage ready to be worked on! That will be fun to paint!

Rocks by Rail Museum

And as I left the Museum, locked up, to return the borrowed keys this went pass the entrance. Lovely to see and no doubt a much slower pace of life. Put that and the miniature traction engine on the road at the same time and you could think you had gone back in time a hundred years!

Rocks by Rail Museum

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