Mrs Woody has wanted to visit the gardens at Doddington Hall near Lincoln for sometime so finding ourselves both with a day free we headed off there. Now I was expecting to see cultivated boarders and lawns but not this and please note this is not Mrs. Woody's new look for the summer!
Recording my progress, or usually the lack of it, in building kits, creating model railways and other related and sometimes unrelated matters!
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Wednesday, July 31, 2024
And now for something very different!
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Tuesday's YouTube recmmendation!
As the WMD film crew have been out again, I can highly recommend (as I would having made it!) this classic YouTube video describing the 3D printed engine shed in a bit more detail. Sometimes film can explain things better than words!
Monday, July 29, 2024
Something you don't often find me saying - finished! However, in the case of the 3D printed engine shed that is exactly what has happened and as you can see in the pictures below it fits into Chalkdon, my 009 layout, quite well. As you can also see the doors now have hinges that fit onto the L brackets that I fitted a few days ago so can be opened and closed.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Hinge bracket!
The interior of the 3D printed engine shed has now been glued in and weathered with the dilute black wash that I have used extensively on this model. It still needs a little bit more but it looks good to me!
The last part of this build is getting the doors fitted. I could just glue them in an open position - or indeed closed - but that would be too easy! So I am making working hinges. Four L hinge brackets have been fitted to the door aperture and then corresponding loops will be fitted to the doors to fit over the brackets. In this case it is much easier to say than do so especially with such small sized components, so wish me luck!
Saturday, July 27, 2024
RIP Peggy Sue cat!
Peggy Sue was with us for just over 20 years. She hardly ever went to the vet and was just a healthy, loving cat. She had a sister, Meg, who after a year with us just disappeared one day. Never knew what happened to her but Peggy stayed with us.
Mrs Woody and me knew she was coming to the end of her time with us on Thursday. No illness, just that it was her time and 20 cat years is a long time, in fact in human terms 96. This morning Peggy Sue got up, wandered around for a minute or two and then lay down before leaving us with Mrs. W and me by her side. It was peaceful and now Peggy it is time to find Meg and be in peace. We miss you little girl!
Friday, July 26, 2024
An inside job!
My version of an inside job is that I am going to put some detail inside the shed which is one reason the roof is removable. The other is if the track needs maintenance it can be got at with the roof removed.
Part of the interior will be a concrete apron either side of the track. Measuring the length and required widths to allow locos to get in without fouling the apron the relevant parts were cut from some plastic card and then painted with a concrete colour.
There are some 3D printed items such as workbenches, a pillar drill and step ladders that I will include in the scene. Having undercoated these I have just had a test fit and it is looking good.
I do like that image through the front - once everything is painted I think it should match in well.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Blood Moon - A time to let go and heal!
Getting up during the other night I peered out of the window and saw a Blood Moon. My photos are not that great but it is only a camera phone so that is my excuse. The sight of the moon in a reddish glow compared to its normal whiteish colour is quite spectacular and from what I know technically is due to the moon being in a total lunar eclipse. Of course hundreds if not thousands of years ago there was no technical knowledge as to the cause of change of colour but from what I have looked up, a blood moon symbolizes it is time to let go and heal.
Maybe that means getting this 3D printed engine shed finished? Well I better press on then!
I have done exactly that and the window frames have now been glazed using Deluxe materials Glue n Glaze. I am slowly getting the hang of using this without mass spillages of glue. As they say - practice makes perfect!
First frame done!
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Woody hounded!
This is the third time in a week that I have, on my bike ride, come across the local hounds being exercised so am I being hounded? It is quite a sight to see but dogs do seem to have an interest in cyclists, especially cyclists legs, so best to keep your distance!
It is beginning to come together so unless I get hounded by Mrs. Woody to get on with even more tasks on her job list for me, it should not be too long before this project gets finished or in my usual way, nearly finished!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Aging and weathering and that's not me!
As shown in the YouTube video that I posted about yesterday, the engine shed has received some aging and weathering - just like me as Mrs Woody likes to point out! A dilute black wash has certainly taken that 'new build' look away from the stone work and it does look as though the building is old - just like me as Mrs. Woody would again point out!
The roof has now been airbrushed in a rust paint from Vallejo and once that was dry it got some rust weathering powder applied and then matt varnished. Next it will be receiving a light coat of grey which will allow some of that rust to show through.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Therapeutic painting and aging and weathering!
The WMD film crew have been at it again! This time two short videos based around some of the modelling on the 3D engine shed. The first being about painting realistic stone the therapeutic way....
The second being about a quick way to age and weather model buildings.....
Sunday, July 21, 2024
More colour and a murmuration!
Out on a bike ride I was reminded of yesterdays post about shades of colour when I came across this beautiful field of wild of wild flowers in varying shades of yellow and blue.
Back to the 3D printed engine shed and the walls have all been 'shaded' and now matt varnished ready for some dilute black paint wash.
In addition the doors, window frames and barge boards have been painted in the Chalkdon red which is on several other railway related buildings on my 009 layout so matches the company livery.
Coming out of the Man Cave yesterday evening I had to stand and watch the skies for about 10 minutes as a murmuration (which I understand is the right name for what I saw) of rooks took place. Literally hundreds of them flying in circles, landing in a tree and power cables then all flying for another circuit before going back to the tree and cables and repeating it several times. Just fascinating!
Saturday, July 20, 2024
On a day like the sunny and hot day it is I could look cool in a pair of shades and be cool by sitting in the shade although Mrs. Woody would disagree with both of those possibilities! However the shades I am talking about are shades of colour on my 3D printed engine shed. This is what it looked like with a coat of rattle can 'sand' coloured paint.
Friday, July 19, 2024
Colour me!
Having almost shouted 'colour me' the 3d printed engine shed has now had its exterior walls base coated in a 'sand' coloured paint from a rattle can that was conveniently lying around the Man Cave!
Yesterday was also a day at the Rocks by Rail Museum for me and having sourced a set of keys to ley everyone in as the regular key holder was absent, I installed my patented banner rack! I did need to use a grinder just to reduce the diameter of the threaded rod slightly and whilst not the prettiest thing it works!

It is 50 years since Sundew 'walked' to Corby and much of the story is on the Museum's Facebook page available here. Well worth a look and read.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Paint it white.
Back with the £d printed engine shed, I have applied some white primer to the inside of the engine shed itself and to both sides of the rook as well as to the doors and window frames. The white on the inside of the engine shed will remain but be dirtied to replicate how many such buildings where painted in this colour to increase the light levels. The roof will be rusted up and the other parts will probably end up a red to match some other railway infrastructure on my 009 layout Chalkdon.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
A real mix of things!
This post is a real mix of things! First off, a success! Out on my bike ride this morning I came to a level crossing that I probably go over two or three times a month. Oddly, I must be one of the few people who actually hopes that the barriers are down when I approach. This is partly to give me a justified rest but also to watch the train go by. Over the years I have tried to get a decent photo of the passing train but for all sorts of reasons I always end up with the middle of a carriage or a blur! However today some success!